Student of Intention
Student of Intention
You better recognize

You better recognize

Showing empathy, finding courage, and harnessing the motivation to push my limits.

One short story delivered every Tuesday to spark, strengthen, and support Self-discovery.

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Today’s intention is:

To recognize.

Recognize the challenges others face and you’ll find empathy.

Recognize the accomplishments you’ve made and you’ll find courage.

Recognize the opportunities available to all of us and you’ll find motivation.

Complaints or compliments?

My sister is thirty minutes late.

We made reservations weeks in advance. They’re nearly impossible to get on a Saturday night.

The hostess seats two tables ahead of us as I watch the restaurant fill up.

My patience wears thin and my stomach grumbles.

I ponder texting, calling, shouting… but I resist.

She and her two friends finally walk in looking frustrated and embarrassed.

I give her a hug and tell her she looks great. I love how long she’s grown her hair. We catch up, a big corner table clears, we sit and have a wonderful night.

When someone disappoints, I can complain or compliment.

Neither changes the circumstance but both change how I feel.

Both change how the other person feels too.

Complaints or compliments.

What do you choose?

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Thank you for being a Student of Intention.

Last week, John Reed asked me, “What are you proud of?” regarding my accomplishments this year. The question gave me pause. I’ve focused so much on aspiring to do more and do it better that I haven’t really thought about it.

I’ve written over 40,000 words about living with intention this year. More than half of them came through this weekly email. I haven’t missed a week and tried my darndest to make each post more impactful than the last. I’m proud of the commitment, creativity, and patience I’ve brought you each time.

Regarding my sister, I recognized her challenging circumstance and showed her empathy.

Regarding myself, I recognize my 40,000 words and am finding the courage to write 40,000 more.

Regarding this email, I recognize there’s infinite room for improvement and am harnessing the motivation to push my creative limits.

My aim is to help you better understand your abilities, feelings, and character. For each time you lend me your eyes or ears, you help me better understand mine.

With that, I’ll ask John’s question.

What are you proud of?

You better recognize.

Until next week,

Don’t wait. Start small. Learn as you go.


Other short(er) stories to spark, strengthen, and support Self-discovery.

John’s story of intention

Reward waits on the backside of challenge

Feedback isn’t brutal

PS if you enjoy a post, please like and comment to show your support 😊

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Student of Intention
Student of Intention
One short story delivered every Tuesday to spark, strengthen, and support Self-discovery.