Student of Intention
Student of Intention
Little actions provide big relief to the anxiety of aspiration
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -2:34

Little actions provide big relief to the anxiety of aspiration

One short story delivered every Tuesday to spark Self-discovery.

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Today’s intention is:

To meditate.

Even if only for a few minutes, settle into a sturdy seat, take a few deep breaths, and let your mind rest.

Sitting to write, I open my laptop and take a sip of chai tea.

Check email.

Click. Sip. Scan.

A Linkedin tab’s already open. Why not?

Click. Sip. Scan.

A text from Alex pops up on my phone.

Click. Sip. Scan.

Back to email. Josh Spector’s newsletter dropped in.

Click. Sip. Scan.

“I’m swinging by the mall to return a few things. Need anything?” asks Tracy, hugging me.

“No, I’m ok.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Click. Sip. Scan.

I finally open a Google Doc and type N-E-W-S-L-E-T-T-E-R 1.4.2022.

The blank screen stares back at me. It knows I’ve got nothing.

Aspirations for this year rush my mind: the business I want to build, the stuff I want to write, the people I want to help.

It all rides on me being better than I was last year. The weight of my goals smashes me and my torso tightens like a corkscrew.

I shut the laptop, pull out a notebook, and start writing.

I write how I’m feeling, the fears, frustrations…

I write my experience, the scattered thoughts, floods of doubt, intense emotions…

I scribble it all out of me and onto the page.

Three pages in, tension drains from my head, down my back.

My breathing slows and deepens. With each word, my mood lightens.

All those goals and aspirations? I can’t accomplish ‘em all today.

And neither can you.

But you can scribble a few pages.

You can take a walk outside.

You can share a moment with a friend, your partner, or your kid.

Make yourself a healthy meal or read a chapter in your favorite book.

As you embrace this first week of 2022, remain gentle with yourself and your tasks.

The beginning of all things is weak and tender.

Until next week,

Don’t wait. Start small. Learn as you go.


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