Student of Intention
Student of Intention
Keep going 🚀

Keep going 🚀

A gift, Resistance and the power of reflection.

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Today’s intention is:

To reflect.

Kindness, abundance, creativity and love surround us all.

Lift up your mind and heart to be aware and to understand this is true. Pay close attention and you feel it. You know it.

Coming home

My hand meets the cool knob on the front door. With a swift push into the house, the smell of home rushes to fill my nose, affirming my arrival. Bernie, my pup leads the way in. 

Tracy and I had just returned from our 2nd wedding anniversary trip. We’re an ‘unpack as soon as you’re back’ couple, so she heads to the bedroom to unload her suitcase while I start up a load of laundry.

The splashing water in the machine lulls me into a hypnotic daydream and thirst tickles my tongue. My mind tugs on my attention like Bernie on a leash, pulling me back towards bed, the beach, leisurely bike rides, and total relaxation. 

I walk into the kitchen and pour a glass of water. A ray of Newport’s afternoon sun pokes through the hazy marine layer, through the window, and onto a small package in the mail pile.

A gift from Brian

I tear open the surprise package like a kid on Christmas morning. 

The book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance falls out into my hand. Inside the cover is a scrawled message from my friend, Brian, thanking me for hosting him on The Music Show.

His message sparks my motivation and reigns in my lurching Bernie mind. 

Connections like these inspire me to…

Keep going.

An intentional life requires persistence and rewards you with resilience. 

I encourage you to take the time to appreciate and reflect on every text, call, smile, message and package you receive. Each one is a gift to fuel your own resilience.

In the last week, I’ve been introduced to new podcast partners and fellow entrepreneurs, had my expectations blown out of the water by the launch video created by Music Show Co-Captain, Chris Decker, and am toying with a joint venture idea for a Student of Intention fall retreat.

Creative work is...a gift to the world and every being in it. Don’t cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you’ve got.
- The War of Art

Give your gifts. 

Slow down to fully receive and appreciate the ones given to you by others. 

Keep going and enjoy the journey.

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When you feel Resistance

And your mind wants to tug you around like Bernie on a leash.

My favorite author would say Resistance is showing itself. 

You can overcome it and find momentum. 

When I face an obstacle, I overcome it through action. When I find momentum, I nurture it through reflection.

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The sides of the mountain

It feels right to close out this week with Brian and his favorite book.

With reflection, you probably think what you hear is unimportant. But it never is.

Until next time,

Don’t wait. Start small. Learn as you go.


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Student of Intention
Student of Intention
One short story delivered every Tuesday to spark, strengthen, and support Self-discovery.